How to Create a Custom WordPress User Registration Form? (7 Easy Steps)

Last Updated: 18 mins By: ThemeGrill Editorial

Wondering how to create a custom WordPress user registration form? If you answer yes, this article is just the thing for you.

User registration is essential for every WordPress website’s growth and success. However, the default registration method isn’t flexible enough to create beautiful and powerful forms.

No need to worry; WordPress professionals have developed multiple solutions for creating custom user registration forms easily.

Hence, here’s a complete tutorial for creating custom user registration forms in WordPress, especially for beginners.

So, let’s start by knowing what WordPress user registration is.

What is WordPress User Registration?

Simply put, WordPress user registration is a useful functionality for the membership options provided in WordPress.

It allows your website visitors to register on your site as subscribers or others. As a website owner, you can decide what particular user role to assign to the newly registered users.

Register User to Your Site

Undoubtedly, your website visitors are your most valuable assets; their opinions matter most. So, providing a separate user space to them is surely rewarding.

Thus, the general logic of user registration is to provide a specific space on your website for your loyal visitors so that you can make your site more interactive and user-friendly.

Through user registration, you can give visitors a kind of membership to your site and also allow certain actions (e.g., commenting on posts, contributing articles, reviewing).

Besides, you can collect user emails and send exciting content to registered users. This can be a simple newsletter welcoming them to your network, some discount coupons, festival offers, information about your recent product launch, etc.

Collect User Emails

This will help strengthen the bond between you and your site users, which will, in turn, grow your online business. 

In the next section, we’ll explain why WordPress user registration is essential in detail.

Why Allow Users to Register on Your WordPress Site?

As discussed above, the most fundamental reason for user registration is to allow the membership feature on a WordPress site.

But that’s not all. You can do a lot more with virtually powerful user registration forms. However, such forms need to be custom-created.

For instance, with the custom-created WooCommerce user registration forms, you can also allow your users to include shipping and billing addresses. 

WooCommerce WordPress Registration Form

Thus, registering users for your WooCommerce site with custom registration forms can eliminate the inconvenience of a lengthy checkout process for them. Preventing cart abandonment is extremely beneficial if you own an online store.

Well, that’s just the tip of the iceberg. So, let’s quickly check out the other benefits of creating powerful user registration forms here.

i) Grow Your Email List 

A beautifully designed custom user registration page can play a vital role in convincing your website visitors, including new ones, to register on your site. 

As your email list grows, you can leverage the email list for marketing purposes. You can create beautiful newsletters and send them to registered users.

That way, you can reach out to users and promote your site simultaneously.

ii) Engage Your Users and Increase Interaction

An ideal custom registration form also provides an exclusive space for registered users.

For instance, they can create a user profile, manage their details, and contribute to your site in any way the assigned user role allows.

This way, users get more engaged with your site, ultimately improving interaction.

iii) Know Your Visitors Better to Improve Your Site

You can create multiple fields and collect more user information with a custom user registration form. Such collected information helps you get to know your site visitors better.

Thus, you can make informed decisions for the improvement of your site. 

iv) Ideal for Guest Blogging

User registration is an ideal way to encourage content contributions to your site. You can give selected users the Contributor role and allow them to submit content.

How to Enable WordPress User Registration in (Default Method)

Before anything else, you must allow users to register via frontend forms. By default, WordPress disables this option.

So, to enable it from your WordPress dashboard, go to Settings>>General.

Navigate from Settings to General

The Membership option is on the General Settings page. To use it, checkmark the Anyone can register option. 

Enable Membership Option

Likewise, you’ll find the New User Default Role option just below the Membership option. Thus, using the drop-down menus, you can define specific user roles.

New User Default Role

However, it’s best to leave the role of ‘Subscriber’ for the new users.

After making the changes, don’t forget to hit the ‘Save Changes’ button at the bottom of the page. 

Save Changes Option

With that, your users can now register on your WordPress site.

However, one problem with the default user registration form is that users must find the WP login URL to find the default registration option.

Hence, finding the login page can be an uphill task for users.

Nevertheless, there is a way to show the registration link at the front end of your website using the Meta widget. So, you can follow the steps below to have the link on the front end.

First, go to Appearance >> Widgets. It’ll display all the sections where you can place the meta widget. Now, press on the Plus icon of the section of your choice, search for the Meta widget, and click it. 

Meta Widget

However, you need to remember that the available sections can differ depending on your current WordPress theme. While some themes offer multiple sections, others might not.

Next, give a title to the widget and hit the Update button at the top. 

Meta Title

After that, you’ll see that your website’s footer now has a brand new widget with the Register link. 

Footer with Register Link - WordPress User registration form

Now, visitors are led to a page with the registration form whenever they click on the link. 

Default Registration Form Create Registration Form in WordPress

So, once they provide their username and email address, they’ll receive a confirmation email to log in. That’s it.

Default WordPress Registration Form vs. Custom Registration Form (What Do You Need?)

Are you confused about which WordPress registration forms (default or custom) to use to register users on your site? No need to worry. We’ve got you covered.

Fortunately, WordPress has a default user registration feature that allows you to register your users quickly and easily. It’s a simple, built-in user registration method that doesn’t require any third-party tools or plugins

The pros and cons of using the default user registration form are as follows:

Pros of Default WordPress Registration Form

  • It’s a simple, easy, and quick method to register users.
  • You don’t need to create registration and login forms manually.
  • Installing third-party plugins and tools to build registration forms is not necessary.

Cons of Default WordPress Registration Form

  • It only allows you to collect the username and user email address. You cannot add extra form fields to collect additional user information.
  • You cannot customize registration and login forms unless and until you’re a proficient developer.
  • It doesn’t permit you to add the registration form to the section or page of interest to you.

Contrarily, WordPress also allows you to create powerful custom registration forms by using registration plugins.

The benefits and drawbacks of creating custom registration forms are as follows:

Pros of Custom Registration Form

  • Custom user registration forms enable you to collect additional user information using custom form fields. This helps you understand your users better before registering them on your site. Further, custom WooCommerce registration forms can even help simplify the checkout process for users.
  • Custom registration forms also empower site visitors to easily upload their files and profile images.
  • You get the complete freedom to customize your user registration form to your heart’s content.
  • You get to display your custom registration forms anywhere on your site. 
  • Well-designed custom registration forms are vital to luring your website visitors, including new visitors, to register for your site.

Cons of Custom Registration Form

  • You must depend on third-party plugins and tools to create a custom user registration form in WordPress.

With that said, now you must be clear about which user registration form you need for your site.

You can use the default form if you want a simple user registration form on your WordPress site. But you must create a form independently if you want multiple fields and more options.

Hence, it’s time to go to the step-by-step guide on creating custom user registration in WordPress using the plugin. So, let’s dive in!

How to Create Custom WordPress User Registration Form Easily?

Creating a custom WordPress user registration form is now easier than ever. With a variety of user registration plugins available, even those without technical expertise can set up a form in just a few minutes.

Here’s a simple guide on how to create a custom registration form in WordPress using a plugin.

Step 1: Choose the Best Plugin for Custom Registration Form

First, you must choose the best plugin to create custom registration forms in WordPress. 

When we talk about WordPress registration plugins, one of the names that comes to mind is the User Registration plugin by WPEverest.

User Registration Form Plugin for WordPress Custom Registration Form

User Registration is a leading drag-and-drop form builder plugin that builds amazing custom registration and login forms.

It’s highly user-friendly and simple. So, even a beginner with no coding skills can use this plugin to create beautiful registration forms in WordPress within a few minutes. 

Most importantly, the plugin offers arrays of custom fields (dropdown, multichoice, checkboxes, etc.) that you can add to your registration form without any limitations.

Moreover, the availability of the WooCommerce Integration addon makes this plugin fully WooCommerce-ready. 

WooCommerce Integration Add-on

It enables you to create a comprehensive WooCommerce registration form with additional user information like billing and shipping addresses.

Thus, it makes checkout easy for your registered users, as their data related to their address is automatically retrieved. 

The other reasons why you should choose the User Registration plugin are as follows:

  • In-built login form
  • Free and premium pre-built templates for registration forms
  • Well-designed user profile account
  • Assign user roles and capabilities
  • Email notifications for both admin and users
  • Google reCaptcha for spam protection

Furthermore, User Registration is a freemium plugin, i.e., it’s available in both free and premium versions.

You can easily download the free version from the WordPress plugin repository and purchase the premium one from the official site. The cheapest price is $79/year.

Pricing Plans for User Registration

Step 2: Install and Activate the User Registration Plugin

Now that you know which plugin to use, it’s time to install the plugin on your site. So, go to Plugins>> Add New from your dashboard. 

Plugins to Add New Navigation

Then, type User Registration in the search bar at the top right. Once the plugin appears, click on the Install Now button. 

Search for User Registration and Install

Soon after the successful installation, click the Activate Plugin button to activate the plugin on your site. 

Activate User Registration Plugin

There’s also an alternative method for installing the plugin. First, you need to download the plugin file from on your local computer. It downloads as a zip file. 

Afterward, go to Plugins>>Add New and click the Upload Plugin button.

Upload Plugin Button for WordPress User Registration Form

Next, choose the zip file you downloaded earlier and hit the Install Now button. 

Install Plugin for WordPress User Registration Form

Finally, you need to activate the plugin.

Step 3. Configure the User Registration Set-Up Page 

You’ll see a Welcome page soon after you install and activate the User Registration plugin. This page gives you two options to choose from. They are:

  • Get Started 
  • Skip to Dashboard
Install Pages and Proceed Create Registration Page in WordPress

If you choose the Get Started option, it’ll take you through a series of set-up configurations.

Alternatively, you can also choose to skip to the dashboard and set up the plugin at your convenience. 

However, we suggest going through the complete plugin setup process if you are a new user. You’ll go through the following tabs as you start setting up the plugin:

Install Pages

As you can see, the Default Registration Form comes pre-installed with the User Registration plugin.

Install Pages and Proceed Create Registration Page in WordPress

Similarly, you can install the Registration Page and My Account Page if you don’t want to build them from scratch. 

So, click Install & Proceed and hit the Next button when the Registration Page and My Account Page are installed.

General Settings

From the General Settings page, you can enable anyone to register on your site. Remember, users won’t be able to fill out the form and register on your site if you don’t enable this function.

General Setting Options for User Registration

So, even if you skip the plugin setup process, make sure to enable this function from the WordPress dashboard.

All you have to do is go to Settings>> General and checkmark the Anyone can register option, as mentioned in the earlier section.

Additionally, you can implement different user approval and login options and even prevent certain user roles from accessing the WordPress dashboard. 

Registration Settings

From this page, you can choose the default role for users and enable a strong password.

Registration Setup

My Account Settings

You can select the page layout from the My Account Settings page. Also, you can disable the default profile picture feature. 

My Account Setup

Further, hitting the Next button finishes the set-up process. So, you can go to the dashboard now or start creating a new form.

Completion of Setup Process

Step 4: Create a Custom User Registration Form

Since you’ve completed the setup process, it’s time to create a custom user registration form now. The User Registration plugin allows you to create a registration form in WordPress using two different methods:

Method I: Using the Pre-made Form Templates

One of the perks of using User Registration is that it comes with several built-in registration form templates.

Thus, if you’re short on time, you can use any one of the suitable templates to create registration forms immediately. 

User Registration Form Templates

However, you must purchase the premium version ‘User Registration Pro‘ to unlock some form templates. 

For now, we’ll show you how to create a registration form in WordPress using an available free template. So, firstly, go to User Registration>>Add New from your dashboard.

User Registration to Add New Navigation

Then, from the Add New Form page, hover your mouse over the desired form template and click on the Get Started button. 

Get Started with Pre-built Form

After that, give a suitable name to your form and hit the Continue button. 

Naming Your Registration Form Create User Registration Form in WordPress

This will open up your pre-built registration form. 

Pre-built Registration Form

Not to mention, the pre-built form template can also be easily tweaked as per your site’s requirements. So, you can either add the extra form fields or delete the unwanted fields to prepare your form quickly. 

Tweak Your Registration Form

Method II: Creating a New Registration Form from Scratch

No matter whether you use pre-built templates or start from scratch, creating a registration form with User Registration is a breeze. 

Hence, click on the Start From Scratch option to create a form from scratch. 

Start from Scratch

After that, give a name to your form and click Continue

Naming Your Registration Form

Then, a form builder window will open. Here, you can see that the four obligatory form fields—Username, User Email, User Password, and Confirm Password—have already been added for your convenience. 

Form Builder Window with Mandatory Form Fields

Now, you can click the Add New button to add the new form fields that interest you. 

Add New Row Button

This plugin also enables you to select from three different grid-column options. For now, we’ll go with a single grid. 

Select the Column Grid

The Fields tab of the User Registration plugin has six sections with variable form fields. However, the free version only lets you use the two sections, namely Default User Fields and Extra Fields

So, now you can use the drag-and-drop functionality of the plugin to create a form. You can drag the required form fields from the left and drop them to the right. 

Drag and Drop User Registration Form Fields How to Create Registration Form in WordPress

Further, the drag-and-drop feature also makes reordering the form fields easy. 

Another perk of using the User Registration plugin is that you can use the form fields as many times as you want without any restrictions.

It’s true for the form fields, apart from the mandatory form fields that have already been added.

Additionally, the plugin offers plenty of field options for each field. To customize it, you must select it by clicking.

Then, the Field Options tab will open, where you can configure the General and Advanced settings.

Field Option Tab

Under General Settings, you can edit the Label, Description, Placeholder, Required, Hide Label, and so on.

Similarly, from the Advanced Settings, you can add a Custom CSS class, set a Default value, and do much more. 

Advanced Field Options

Once you finish creating your form, don’t forget to click the Update form button at the top.

Update Form Button and Preview Option

Also, if you want to see how your form looks on the front end, click the Preview option. If you aren’t satisfied with your form, you can edit it further. 

This is how your registration form looks with the Zakra theme. But remember, the look of your registration form may vary depending on the WordPress theme you’re using on your site.

Form Preview Create Custom Registration Form in WordPress

Step 5: Configure the User Registration Form Settings

Next, from the Form Setting tab, you can configure the General Settings options for your form. 

Form General Settings

You can choose from four different user approval and login options. The options are:

  • Auto-approval and manual login
  • Auto-approval and auto-login
  • Admin approval
  • Auto-approval after email confirmation

Likewise, you can also specify the default user roles for the registered users. The different user roles you can choose from are:

  • Administrator
  • Admin
  • Author
  • Contributor
  • Subscriber
Default User Role

Moreover, you can enable strong passwords, set minimum password strength, and add a redirect URL. On top of that, the form submit button label and form submit button CSS class can also be added.

Different General Form Setting Options

Further, you can select the success message position, enable captcha support, choose a form template, and add form class names. 

After making the necessary changes, make sure to click on the Update form button at the top. 

Update Form After General Settings

Step 6: Configure Additional User Registration Form Settings

Now, if you’ve skipped the plugin setup before or you want to configure the additional form settings, you can do that easily from User Registration>>Settings. 

User Registration to Settings Navigation

The Setting page offers five tabs: General, Integration, Emails, Import/Export, and Misc

Five Different Menu for User Registration Settings

They offer different setting options, as follows:

  • General: From here, you can prevent dashboard access and customize my account section, endpoint section, login options, and frontend messages. 
  • Integrations: It enables you to integrate different captcha types (reCaptcha v2, reCaptcha v3, and hCaptcha) for spam prevention.
Captcha Settings
  • Emails: From here, you can customize email sender options and send a test email. You can also entirely disable email notifications sent after user registration.
Email Settings for User Registration
  • Import/Export: This enables you to export user data as CSV files. 
Import and Export Tab
  • Misc: This setting allows you to remove all the User Registration plugin data if you uninstall the plugin. You can also allow the plugin to track non-sensitive data.
Misc Tab

Once you’re done with the settings, click the Save Changes button to save all your changes. 

Step 7. How and Where to Display the New User Registration Form?

Now that your user registration form is ready, we’ll discuss how and where to display the form next.

Since the plugin uses the shortcode method, you can easily display your form anywhere on your WordPress site, including widget areas, pages, and posts.

This tutorial will show you how to display your form on a page. First, go to User Registration>>All Forms and copy the registration form shortcode. 

Copy User Registration Form Shortcode

Then, navigate to Pages>>Add New

Page to Add New Navigation Create Registration Page in WordPress

Paste it into a shortcode block, add a suitable title to your page, and hit Publish.

Add Shortcode and Publish

Alternatively, you can also use the block method.

To do this, click on the Plus icon, type User Registration in the search bar, and click it.

Click Plus Sign and Search User Registration Block

Select the custom registration form we created from the drop-down menu, and hit Publish. That’s all!

Choose Registration Form and Publish

Wrapping Up with Custom WordPress User Registration Form!

Well, that ends our article on creating a registration form in WordPress. 

Creating powerful custom registration WordPress forms becomes as easy as ABC when you have a plugin like User Registration. So, we’re sure you’ll now be able to create a custom registration form in WordPress without a hitch.

Further, if you own an eCommerce site, this plugin lets you add custom field forms for shipping, payments, and more.

Thus, it will make the checkout process much easier and smoother for your customers, reducing cart abandonment. 

Like what you read? If so, please share this article on your social media platforms. Our social handles are right in front of you. 

If you’re interested, you can also check out our blog page. You’ll find more resourceful articles, such as creating survey and job application forms in WordPress

Lastly, follow us on X (formerly Twitter) and Facebook to keep updated on more WordPress-related articles. 

ThemeGrill Editorial

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