Alternative Payment Methods Explained
Learn what APMs (Alternative Payment Methods) are, how they differ from traditional payments, and why they are the current trend in the rising economies' digital market.
In this ultimate guide, Alternative Payment Methods Explained, you will uncover everything you should know about APMs, including the following:
What are APMs, and why do they matter?
Why do they differ from traditional payments?
Examples of APMs in Africa and Latin America
The role of APMs in digital commerce
The APMs cutting edges for merchants
How to know if APMs fit your business model?

Latin Americans & Africans Are Choosing How They Want To Pay, And Their Choices Go Far Beyond Cards.
For global companies willing to seize the growth opportunity offered by rising markets, such as Africa and Latin America, offering customers various payment options is vital - and APMs are the most reliable solution in the context.
It's not just about reaching a larger share of the market and making digital products and services available for those who don't have a credit card – but it's equally important to address cultural preferences, reduce costs and build trust among consumers.